28 November 2010

40 years on

I was looking through a box of old papers and found this letter I wrote to my parents in 1970. I am now roughly the same age as my father was then. It says:

Dear Mum & Dad,
Nothing much has happened since I last wrote. I am doin' O.K. at school. Ask me about art school in January because that is when I apply. Please send Jonathan a little money so that I can buy a coat (temperature today 48F. with 20m.p.h. winds) I do not need a suit. Instead some sweaters. I have half term holyday nest [sic] week and shall therefore be goin' to see Brahms #1 Symphony, Black Sabbath et Waiting for Godot at the Young VIC (yes, the Young VIC). Why don't you all write! Please save up all the matchboxes (and matchbooks) that you can get because I collect them. I must go and do my homework now. Goodbye. Please send this letter back....

Wednesday 21 October 1970

Pen and ink 26cm x 20cm. Click to enlarge.


ElizT said...

Reminds me of so many things, including those damn collections; the bottle tops and the ballpoint pens in their dozens, all fastened to the bedroom wall and then left orphaned. And the 'please send this letter back'. Did you really buy a coat?

miketoons said...

Astonishing. Nice design too.

Anonymous said...

i find that quite sad. and your parents didn't know you collected matchboxes already? :-(
you had sophisticated taste in the arts even then!

Anonymous said...

did you live in a caravan?