28 March 2008

Lose the blobs

The client wanted the following changes: add a Staffordshire bull terrier, make the face friendly, no gloves and lose the blobs.
Linocut 18cm x 18cm. Click to enlarge.


ElizT said...

You are kidding. Aren't you.

Julie Oakley said...

I think adding a staffie always improves a picture

switch said...

Mr. Nadler is accommodating...

Customer service: **** four stars

soulbrush said...

lose the client!

Steve said...

Seems like clients are very good at fucking up perfection.

Kevin Musgrove said...

There was no chance of convincing the client that the blobs were a Staffordshire bull terrier then?

(Lose the gloves!?!)

Curious Art said...

'Twas ever thus.

Thanks for sending us your unloved gloves, blobs, & other rejected bits of genius. They will find a welcoming home here!