29 July 2011


I came across this very old drawing in one of my sketchbooks dating from my period at Wyatt Cattaneo animation studio. It shows Tony Cattaneo,  Ramon Modiano (standing) and Alison deVere. These guys taught me more about drawing in two weeks than I learned in four years at art school.
Pen and ink 13cm x 13cm. Click to enlarge.

27 July 2011

Elephant elephantiasis

An elephant suffering from elephantiasis.
Watercolour, pencil, pen and gouache. 155mm x 105mm. Click to enlarge.

26 July 2011

The Burn

A scottish stream , or burn, that I've known for 22 years.
Watercolour 19cm x 14cm. Click to enlarge.

25 July 2011

18 July 2011

Postcard 17

The seventeenth postcard sent to myself.

Watercolour, pencil and acrylic 10cm x 15cm. Click to enlarge

17 July 2011


An acquaintance named "Q" who fell asleep as I drew.
Pen and ink and brushpen. 15.5cm x 11.5cm. Click to enlarge.

15 July 2011

Hamster Jam

A loved one flew to Amsterdam today. By coincidence I saw these road markings (left) outside my studio that resemble the flag of Amsterdam (right).
Click to enlarge.

14 July 2011

Postcard 16

Postcard 16 depicts the war between the Greeks and the Chinese.
Watercolour, pencil and acrylic 10cm x 15cm. Click to enlarge.

Postcard 15

Postcard 15 in a series of postcards to no one from nowhere.
Gouache and pencil 10cm x 15cm. Click to enlarge.

13 July 2011

The De-Curator

I met a guy who is a painter and decorator. He's just decided to become a curator but can't afford to print new business cards....so he simply altered his current card.
Found business card 5cm x 9cm. Click to enlarge.

The Dunciad

A local gallery invited me to exhibit some work and whilst looking through my stock of paintings I realised that I had never blogged this one. Although entitled The Dunciad it doesn't actually refer to Pope's poem.
Casein paint and ink 46cm x 32cm. Click to enlarge.

11 July 2011

10 July 2011

Postcard 14

The thirteenth or maybe fourteenth postcard from nowhere.
Mixed media 10cm x 15cm. Click to enlarge.

09 July 2011

At the break of day

This is inspired by the book of Dede Korkut which I'm reading at the moment.
Pen and ink with watercolour. Each page 25cm x 17.5cm. Click to enlarge.

08 July 2011

Palestrina's Lift Shaft

The title Palestrina's Lift Shaft just popped into my head.
Watercolour, ink and acrylic. 25cm x 13cm. Click to enlarge.

07 July 2011

Head Banger

My brain needs a service.
Pen and ink with digital colour. 50mm x 75mm. Click to enlarge.

04 July 2011

Neutron Activation Analysis

I came across this old drawing of mine, probably from student days. Chapter III refers to an incident during a philosophy lecture. The teacher quoted Socrates "Know thyself" but my girlfriend (an American) thought he said "No dice, elf".
Pen and ink A4 size. Click to enlarge.

01 July 2011

The Game of Spodunk

I have preserved my winning hand (the two rows of cards at the bottom) in The Entertaining and Instructive Game of Spodunk. For a closer look at the goose click here.
Ink, watercolour and gouache on Daler board, A1 size. Click to enlarge.