07 August 2008

Eye wars

Left eye fights the right eye.
watercolour and pen. 12.5cm x 17.5cm. Click to enlarge


Anonymous said...


Dry eyes? Itchy eyes? Try cannon implants from visine. . . it gets the red out (and anything else in your eyesocket)

soulbrush said...

look more like farts to me...sorry but it does!

soulbrush said...

why am i apologising?

Steve said...


Could've sworn those were heavy-duty tranquilizers.

Tits in other words.

Anonymous said...

i saw boobs. that happens to me a lot. regardless, it is a fabulous rendering, as are all of your drawings

Anonymous said...

Great drawing!
That's what it feels like when I try to cross my eyes. Or if I've been on the computer for way too long...