28 February 2007

Solar System

When I eventually get round to launching my home-made space probe, this map of our solar system will be sellotaped to the side.
Pen ink and watercolour on Moleskine sketchbook 21cm x 13 cm. Click pic to enlarge.


catnapping said...

i'm still laughing at saturn's moons! it's hardto type when my body's shaking.

i hope you get the probe out there. the aliens could learn a thing or two from Ellis!

catnapping said...

...hope that probe doesn't get to close to uranus. i see problems there.

Anonymous said...

You've made my evening. Just about two hours before looking at this I was listening to a Princeton U. Podcast featuring Peter Ward talking about astrobiology and life on other planets. He talk about habitable zones, our solar system, and the rare Earth hypothesis, and then touches on our impact on our Earth, needless to say, it gets pretty heavy, and then I see this... thanks!

Mattias Adolfsson said...

You've got an excellent memory!

ronald p.d. brandt said...

this is too funny. i'm taking an astronomy class for one of my electives, and i hope i can remember at least this much on my test in a couple weeks!

Jeannetto said...

Ohhhh I love this. I want to draw this! But dont worry, I'm a master of making it look like I didnt copy.

wink wink

Anonymous said...

Wow.. even earth is "branded".

Yup.. that'll be 2012.

Digital Scott's Illustrationblog said...

Terrific work!

Anonymous said...

very nice.