Talking through his arse/in one ear and out the other.
My first try of Noodlers waterproof ink for fountain pens...a major discovery courtesy of Mattias Adolfson. The smudge is due to working on the unpleasant waxy coated paper in the Moleskine sketchbook... I wish they'd make 'em with decent paper.
Pen and ink and watercolour on Moleskine sketchbook 13cm x 21cm. Click to enlarge.
that is a great illo! congrats :)
This is great. The characters are awesome.
Aha! I was just going ask how he's able to use a normal fountain pen to do his magic. I think we're all going to be Mont Blancing and Noodling alla Adolfsson.
oh i love your drawing and linework... very nice
Another great set of characters and an entertaining illo.
The drawback is that it tends to dry a bit slower then original ink, I still get smudges due to my bad patients, great illo anyway
I love it!
You're too awesome, ellis! tHis is great!
I like this a lot! Wouldn't have noticed the smudge if you didn't point it out. And yours is the first complaint I've heard on the moleskines... I'm going to stick to the Border's bound sketch books and the spiral bound ones from the grocery store.
jajaja, you are great! I love all your drawings!
Such an awesome style, and great "out there" perspective. Well done.
i love this drawing ellis.. awesome!
me gustan un monton tu dibujos, enhorabuena.
Great...and funny...
Mont Blanc?
What about Rapidograph?
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