26 June 2010


According to Sir James George Frazer: "The ancients supposed that in Arabia, if a hyaena trod on a man's shadow, it deprived him of the power of speech and motion; and that if a dog, standing on a roof in the moonlight, cast a shadow on the ground and a hyaena trod on it, the dog would fall down as if dragged with a rope."
Pen and ink with digital colour 6cm x 9cm. Click to enlarge.


Lulu LaBonne said...

That's what happened to our dog, we hadn't been warned

Steve said...

A shadow (not mine, someone else's) ate my dog.

It was one of the most gruesome things I've ever witnessed.

Oscar Grillo said...

A kangaroo crossing your shadow will make you draw like Rolf Harris.

Rico said...

I was about to get a dog...