11 August 2008


Painted for my friend, Helgan.
Casein paint 13cm x 9cm. Click to enlarge


Steve said...

Holidays seems to work like heroin on your creativity, Mr Nadler.

Note to self: take holidays more than just once every two/three years...

Kevin Musgrove said...

Can I have one? It followed me home, honest. It must be lost and not have a home. Pleeeeeeease?

soulbrush said...

luckily it's not a white elephant.

switch said...

umm.. I think I just fell in love.
this is the most perfect helganophant I've ever seen.


this just in said...

Simple and exquisite!

yoon see said...

I like your powerful accented brush stroke on this cute little blue elephant.

yoon see said...

The contrast of REd and Blue,
And also the negetive white space
in between-leaving the strong impact...
Just loveling it.
Yes, this is my favourite.