Having just read
The First Sunrise by
Chas Mountford I have to say that the aboriginal creation myths are rather dull and unimaginative. I came up with this world-supported-on-a-beard myth in no time at all.
Pen and brushpen on Moleskine 14cm x 9cm. Click to enlarge.
The reason they're dull is because the aboriginals never had google.
It's growing on me
Wasn't like that then?
I'go with this one --definitely more interesting.
very interesting to read ....thanks for giving this kind of blogs....,thanks for sharing with us......
Good one ....
You cannot go wrong on the
best security systems
Not nearly as silly as the 7 days story.
What's Keith Richards got ot do with it?
Ah - but can you sing it?
I always liked the relative simplicity of the dreamtime stories; less "an angry beardy magic bloke in the sky done it" and more "a giant snake done it."
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