To attain more than "drawing room standard", some piano teachers recommend intensive study of one note at a time. Hence students at the Nadler Conservatoire devote a minimum of three months to
each note on the keyboard. The illustration shows the mono-tone piano about to play a G-string.
Ink and watercolour 25cm x 13cm. Click to enlarge.
thats a bit like the sushi chef who must make rice for 7 years before they can even start on the fish cutting!
Gorgeous drawing and wonderfully silly.
I didn't see the string at first. With the forlorn stoop of the pianist, I saw the hammer overextending and striking him, like a self inflicted musical guillotine.
It is brilliant!!
Es buenísimo, la ilustración y el concepto! eh, sarcástico pero real REAL obsesiones inútiles en círculos cerrados :-)
À quoi bon faire?
thank you!
things are far too easy for ordinary musicians. This man has to work for every note and is properly appreciative in a Cagey sort of way.
The more I look at all your work the more I really like it. I like the way you shade with lines. Some of it looks to me a lot like early 20th century art. Lots and lots of great work. :)
What a fun piece! A little steam punk, a little cartoon - great illo!
In this case piano exercises would actually be good exercise! Now that music & gym classes are being cut mercilessly, every school should have one of these. Or rather 88.
i love your characters nose. the moodiness of the piece and your choice of color.
Nice Illo.
Did this take one day to do(*since the topic started today)
If so, you work fast ;)
Good job
When it come to playing music one note is more then enough for me
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