23 February 2007

Anti-gravitas research

This sketch shows various components from the Anti-gravitas machine currently under development at Nadler labs. Click pic to enlarge.
Pen, ink and watercolour 23cm x 23cm.


Mattias Adolfsson said...

You have a lab, I'm green with envy. Labs more than one! there's a lab gap here can I use one of your's if I'm lab needy?

Unknown said...

We are thinking of opening a Scandinavian subsidiary, and would be interested in interviewing you as a director. We cannot afford a salary but the successful candidate will receive s stuffed lab(rador).

Frederik Jurk said...

This picture really FORCED me to look closer. It has a certain "What the heck is that?"-factor!

Catnapping said...

but does it do the dishes?

beautiful detail. i would love this as a poster in my office.

you have a great imagination. i like that.

Michelle Lana said...

Great pieces!

Willie Baronet said...

me likes your brain. ;-)